Claudia black

Claudia Claudia 2 Teryl Teryl 2 HowIn 1998, she became noticed for her role as a hermaphrodite, a guest star in "Good Guys, Bad Guys," a crime-drama with a twist. The show's producer asked her, when shooting "Pitch Black", a supporting role in which she played a victim who finds herself within a bizarre world the 2000 science fiction drama "Pitch Black" to help in the reading of actresses for an Australian-based production of a brand-new series. The casting agent believed that Black would make an excellent actress to play the character, despite the fact that the creators of the show were planning to recruit a woman from the US. Black was a candidate in Sydney and was selected for the role of Aeryn sun on "Farscape." The actress nicely projected her character's toughness and strength as well as forming a tangible sexual bond with the co-star Ben Browder (as human astronaut John Crichton). Aeryn became an increasingly interesting and likable character. her fans grew to be huge. Following the end of that series, Black appeared on two seasons of "Stargate SG-1" as Vala Mal Doran. She also continued to expand her voiceovers in films, television as well as video game. Black has a character on "The Originals" in the series, was back on this series for the saga "Containment". The exotic-looking brunette, Black did her best to convey strength and an ethereal air during her character Aeryn Sun in Farscape, (Sci-Fi Channel) between 1999 and 2003. The Sydney-born performer was one of the finalists in the"Containment" Globe Shakespeare competition and toured Europe in the role of Portia on the stage in "The Merchant of Venice."


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